Spiritual Dictionary Section V

Vail - A device for separating different compartments of the Sanctuary. A sign of chastity in Bible women. Also a mechanism that separates God from His people that He would like to remove. CO

 A sanctuary curtain which separates the various parts of the sanctuary. Exodus 26:31-35; 36:35; 40; II Chronicles 3:14

A vail of chastity for Rebekah. Genesis 24:65

God will remove the vail of all people that they may hear His gospel. Isaiah 25:4-8

Jesus enters into the vail in the sanctuary to start the heavenly ministry. Hebrews 6:19-20; 9:3

Moses covers his face when talking to the people after speaking to God symbolizing the separation that the people sins have made between themselves and God. Exodus 34:29-35; II Corinthians 3:12-16

Tamar covers her face with a vail so that she can act like a harlot. Genesis 38:12-26

The death of Christ, the piercing of His flesh, symbolizes that a sanctuary service shift has occurred and that a separation process has been removed. Hebrews 10:19-23; Matthew 27:51; Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45


Vail/Veil - "By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh…" Hebrews 10:20


Veil - "Many today have veils upon their faces. These veils are sympathy with the customs and practices of the world, which hide from them the glory of the Lord." 6 T 146


Veil - "The Jews refused to accept Christ as the Messiah, and they cannot see that their ceremonies are meaningless, that the sacrifices and offerings have lost their significance. The veil drawn by themselves in stubborn unbelief is still before their minds.  It would be removed if they would accept Christ, the righteousness of the law." I SM 239


Vessel – “When men have taken upon themselves the vows of consecration, to devote all their powers to the sacred service of God; when they occupy the position of expositors of Bible truth, and have received the solemn charge; when God and angels are summoned as witnesses to the solemn dedication of soul, body, and spirit to God’s service—then shall these men who minister in a most holy office desecrate their God-given powers to unholy purposes? Shall the sacred vessel, whom God is to use for a high and holy work, be dragged from its lofty, controlling sphere to administer to debasing lust? .…” TM 434


Vessels – People – Psalms 2:8-9; 31:12; Jeremiah 18:1-10; 19:1-11; Hosea 8:8; Romans 9:20-24; II Corinthians 4:7; Revelation 2:26-27

                Apostle Paul. Acts 9:15

Sanctuary utensils. Exodus 25:29; 27:3; Numbers  3:31,36; I Kings 7:45-51

Utensils as booty dedicated to God. Joshua 6:19-24

Abstinence from sexual contact as a state of sanctification. I Samuel 21:1-6; Exodus 19:10-11 & 14-15; II Timothy 2:19-22


Vineyard- "…of the Lord of Hosts - is the house of Israel." Isaiah 5:7


Vineyard - (Parable of the vineyard Matthew 21:33-46) - "In the parable the …vineyard the Jewish nation…" DA 596


Violence- (Matthew 11:12)- "Violence means holy earnestness such as Jacob manifested." TMKH 272, SDG 30


Vipers - generation of - "The belong to the same class that John addressed as a generation of vipers - children of the wicked one." 5 T 226


Virgins - foolish - "…another class that, influenced by fear and acting from impulse, had been satisfied with a theory of the truth, but were destitute of the grace of God." GC 426


Virgins- "They are called virgins because they possess a pure faith." COL 406


Virgins - "…and the virgins that go out to meet the bridegroom are a symbol of the church." GC 427


Virgins - wise - "The two classes represented by the wise and foolish virgins were then developed (summer and autumn of 1844) - one class who looked with joy to the Lord's appearing, and who had been diligently preparing to meet Him…" GC 426


Virtue- "Jesus was the healer of the body as well as of the soul. He was interested in every phase of suffering that came under His notice, and to every sufferer He brought relief, His kind words having a soothing balm. None could say that He had worked a miracle; but virtue - the healing power of love - went out from Him to the sick and distressed. Thus in an unobtrusive way He worked for the people from His very childhood. And this was why, after His public ministry began, so many heard Him gladly." SDG 30, DA 92, MH 350


Voice of a stranger – “The voice of a stranger” is the voice of one who neither respects nor obeys God’s holy, just, and good law.” II SM 50